HVAC 101: Why Do HVAC Systems Need Expansion Joints?

Authors: Mike Lassas, Vice President – Administration and Rob Coffee, Vice President – Sales & Marketing, Proco Products, Inc. HVAC systems are crucial to regulating the indoor temperature  of residential, industrial and commercial structures. These sometimes highly complex HVAC systems not only control internal temperatures, but are also responsible for the quality of air that Continue reading

Proco Goes 3D with the Series 440 Product Line

Proco Products, Inc. is pleased to announce that our Series 440 Molded PTFE Convoluted expansion joint product line in now LIVE on the 3DX Media platform! 3DX Media is one of the biggest CAD part libraries in the world offering 100+ million free 2D and 3D CAD models. Through 3DX, our Series 400 standard products Continue reading

Correctly Choosing and Installing Expansion Joints

  For any industrial application which includes piping or ducting, expansion joints are a critical component. With a huge variety of materials and designs to choose from, the correct selection and optimal installation of expansion joints is vital to ensure safe and reliable operations. Industrial and commercial installations which feature any kind of pumping, piping Continue reading

What is a Check Valve and How it Works

Check valves are found in almost every industrial application acting as non-return or one-way valves. Generally simple devices, check valves perform a vital function preventing reverse flows, damage and ensuring efficient operations. Reverse flow can, for example, result in water hammer. This phenomenon can see repeated extreme pressure surges in connected pipework, valves and pumps that Continue reading

The Benefits of Using Rubber Expansion Joints [Webinar]

  On August 27th, Proco Products, Inc. hosted an informative webinar on the topic – “The Benefits of Using Rubber Expansion Joints”.  This LIVE webinar was presented by Proco North American Industrial Sales Managers, Eric Blazej & David Genna. The webinar covered what an expansion joint is and why you need them, criteria for selection, Continue reading